There are a ton of ways to get people to sign up for your email marketing offers. I've put together a list for you to read, so you know all of the ways you can be growing your list. Put an offer on the back of your business cards to get people to sign up for your newsletter. Tradeshows - Bring a clipboard or sign-up book with you to tradeshows and ask for permission to send email to those who sign up. Include a newsletter sign-up link in your signature of all of your emails. Send an opt-in email to your address book asking them to join your list. Join your local chamber of commerce, email the member list (if it's opt-in) about your services with a link to sign up to your newsletter. Host your own event - Art galleries, software companies (one here has a party every quarter and invites the neighboring businesses), retail shops, consultants (lunch & learn) can all host an event and request attendees to sign up. Offer a birthday club where you give something...